

I am a massage therapist and yoga teacher from Berlin living and working in Ireland, Beara peninsula West Cork

And that’s about to change soon, at the end of August.

I’m going to pack the car and leave behind 

the Atlantic              fabulous friends         a beautiful wild landscape       a lot of clients and students I will miss more than they will miss me

two sweet cats and my cosy little cabin in Eyeries


Two or three travel days, a ferry and lots of motor way later.I will arrive back in Berlin

to have more time with my mom and the rest of my family tribe

try out the magic and annoyance of a pretty big city

find  new people  and places to work in and work with

to hang out with my old and new friends 

and rediscover the city and the beautiful nature in and around Berlin


There will be more news soon, more pictures and a much more professional website

Until then much love and joy
